The sun’s out and we all know what that means – getting outside and enjoying hours of fresh air with family and friends. If you’re wanting to look sun-kissed, you have to get your suncare sorted. We’ve all been in lockdown, and it’s time to snap your body and face out of hibernation with beneficial facial tanning lamps.
Of course, different experts have thrown shade on being out in the sun for too long.
Some sunlight is of immense good but if you’re into online gaming, you may be at risk of getting too little sun and fresh air. While you catch up on all the exciting gaming and technology news on Port3000, you can simultaneously be benefiting from the use of facial tanning lamps.
Facial tanning lamps come with many benefits. The lamps are like a magic wand when it comes to transforming your pale winter face, chest, and shoulders.
Top benefit – the management of stress and depression
There are different lamps on the market but they all give are capable of giving the skin a natural golden hue.
One of the benefits of facial tanning lamps is that they have made some fantastic advances in tanning technology. These special lamps don’t just give you a tan.
A real benefit with these lamps, particularly during covid-19 times and depression, is that they mimic natural outdoor light and that they effectively treat Seasonal Effective Disorder (SAD).
Light dispels gloom and depression and the light from a sunlamp can have a positive impact on serotonin and melatonin. Seratonin can improve mood, and low levels are linked to depression.
We look at another top 3 benefits of facial tanning lamps –
Less UV rays exposure time
Thanks to these modern sunless tanning technologies, your skin doesn’t have to be exposed to the sun for long periods of time. UV rays are known for their harmful effects, and sunless tanning can reduce the risk of skin cancer.
Compared to outdoor tanning, facial tanning lamps are safer as they require less time for your face to be exposed to UV rays. The risk of burning your skin is much lower with tanning lamps.
You have to however be certain to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines, so you can safely enjoy the benefits of indoor tanning without health risks. Don’t be silly and go overboard as it is always easier to add more tan to your skin than to take it out.
Some face- and body brushing is a great way to transform your face and remove dead skin cells in preparation for using tanning lamps.
Vitamin D production
A session of 15 minutes in the sun can ensure you get your recommended daily amount of vitamin D. This is important for older people because as you age, the body has a harder time producing the vitamin.
Some people’s lifestyles don’t allow them the privilege of getting out into the sun. They have to think up alternative things. This is precisely where facial tanning lamps come into their own.
They help you achieve a love bronze shade but also encourage your body to produce more vitamin D. If you feel that you don’t get enough sun exposure and your circumstances prevent you from getting out into the sun, the benefit of facial tanning lamps is a logical alternative.
Lots of general health benefits and self-confidence
With sunless tanning, you’re able to measure your dose of ‘sun’ exposure so you can always be sure you won’t be exposed to long tanning sessions and unnecessary skin damage.
An important health benefit is the vitamin D you get which comes from UV light which strengthens the immune system.
A tanned look can boost your self-confidence. Imagine you have a school reunion get-together where you’ll be meeting school friends you last saw 20 years ago? A tropical island tan can literally take years off your appearance, and if ever you need to look good, it’s for your reunion event.
Tanned to a perfect 10?
To enjoy the benefits of facial tanning lamps, do some research so you get a lamp that reaches the face, shoulders, and neckline. Built-in reflectors ensure light is evenly distributed for even coverage and a bright golden complexion that will flatter a broad range of skin tones.
There are some websites about the different facial tanning lamps, for example this one.